Legion of Mary

Prayers for the Pope Let us pray for Pope Francis May the Lord preserve him, give him a long life, make him blessed upon the earth, and may the Lord not hand him over to the power of the enemies. May your hand be upon your holy servant, and upon your son whom you have anointed. O God, the Pastor and Ruler of all the faithful, look down, in your mercy, upon your servant Francis, whom you have appointed to preside over your Church; and grant, we beseech you, that both by word and example, he may edify all those under his charge; so that, with the flock entrusted to him, he may arrive at length unto life everlasting. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Let us pray for our Holy Father, Pope Francis May the Lord guide him as he leads the holy and chosen people of God. Holy God, eternal shepherd, you build up the church with a rich variety of your gifts, and you rule us with the power of your love. Help your servant, Francis, whom you have chosen to lead your people, to guide us in the name of Christ as our teacher, priest and shepherd. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Let us pray for our Holy Father, Pope Francis May the Lord guide him as he leads the holy and chosen people of God. Loving God, shepherd and guide of all believers, look on your servant, Francis, whom you have chosen as leader of your Church. Sustain him with your love. By his word and example may he build up the people you have placed in his care. Together may we enter into eternal life. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Let us pray for Pope Francis O God, who in your providential design willed that your Church be built upon blessed Peter, whom you set over the other Apostles, look with favour, we pray, on Francis, our Pope and grant that he, whom you have made Peter’s successor, may be for your people a visible source and foundation of unity in faith and of communion. Through Christ our Lord. Amen Let us pray for our Holy Father, Pope Francis O God, shepherd and ruler of all the faithful, look favourably on your servant, Francis, whom you have set at the head of your Church as her shepherd; grant, we pray, that by word and example he may be of service to those over whom he presides so that, together with the flock entrusted to his care, he may come to everlasting life. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. Let us pray for our Holy Father, Pope Francis O God, who chose your servant, Francis, in succession to the Apostle Peter as shepherd of the whole flock, look favourably on the supplications of your people and grant that, as Vicar of Christ on earth, he may confirm his brethren and that the whole Church may be in communion with him in the bond of unity, love and peace, so that in you, the shepherd of souls, all may know the truth and attain life eternal. Through Christ our Lord. Amen. 25