PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS UNIT Phone: 9926 5621 Email: FEEL SAFE AND BE SAFE AT OUR CHURCH Kids Helpline 1800 551 800 Police 000 WE WILL pROtEcT We will protect children and young people. WE WILL LIStEn & BELiEvE We will listen to children and young people and believe them. WE WILL RESpOnd We will respond to matters of safety and harm. YOU ARE VALUED & REspECtED You have the right not to be hurt, spoken to rudely or made to feel uncomfortable. You have the right to feel safe and be safe from harm. yoU hAvE RightS A family member or a trusted person you feel safe talking to. IF YOU DOn't FEEL SAFE, pLEASE cOnTACt: and THE pROFEsSIOnaL sTANDaRds UNIT.