Legion of Mary
S UGGESTED P ROGRAM FOR THE V ISIT OF O UR L ADY OF F ATIMA P ILGRIM S TATUE . Welcome of statue at weekend Masses . Sunday Holy Hour: Holy Rosary, Litany of Loreto, Benediction . Enrolment in the Brown Scapular . Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday - - Daily Mass with Holy Rosary, devotions, sermons, Reconciliation - Celebration for children/school - Celebration for the elderly and sick - Anointing of the Sick - Procession . Thursday - Consecration of parish/families . Farewell . Visit of smaller statue for Holy Rosary at nursing homes . Box for intentions and/or Mass offerings . Involvement of parish/prayer/social/service/apostolic groups . Screening of DVD: “Our Lady of Fatima” “The 13th Day” “The Day the Sun Danced” . Piety Stall The statue of Our Lady of Fatima is transported in a wheeled box that can be lifted onto the back seat of a car. It also comes with a bier with handles if a procession is intended (illustrated on back cover) . The statue is light in weight and measures 1130cm from crown to feet. Without the crown the statue measures 1120cm and will comfortably and securely fit into the box for transportation.