Legion of Mary
Examination of Conscience continued - 2) The Lord says: “Love one another, as I have loved you” (Jn 15:12) D o I share with those who are worse off than I am, do I give to the poor? Or am I greedy and egotistical always wanting the best for me? D o I spend some time with the sick, sharing the faith, or going out to the needy? As far as it depends on me, do I defend the oppressed, help the unfortunate, foreigners and people of other races? A m I honest at work, fair on the job and in business? Do I pay just wages and taxes? Do I take what is not mine? Do I harm others? Do I mislead others? Do I make rash judgments, criticise, swear, bear grudges or nourish hate against somebody? A s son or daughter: am I obedient to my parents, do I respect them? Do I help them in their spiritual and material needs? Do I get along with my brothers and sisters? A s father or mother: am I diligent in the Christian education and formation of my children? Am I overly demanding and intolerant with their failings, causing unnecessary conflicts? A s husband or wife: are we faithful to each other and do we love each other with all our hearts? Do we accept children as gifts of God, or do we try to eliminate them through abortion? Have we advised someone to abort or collaborated in one? 3) Jesus says: “Be perfect as your Heavenly Father is perfect” (Mt 5:48) D o I try to live in the presence of God, doing my best to please him, or do I live as if God does not exist? Do I go to Confession when I need to be reconciled to God? Do I receive Holy Communion frequently? A m I faithful to the moral and Christian law regarding the use of matrimony? A s I am a temple of the Holy Spirit, do I maintain my senses and body pure and chaste? 23