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The Role and Spirit of the Legion

The Legion of Mary is an international Catholic lay organisation, which aims to collaborate in the Church's mission of evangelisation. Its members engage in the direct religious apostolate, especially towards those most remote from the Church's influence. In the spiritual formation of its members the Legion places much emphasis on the doctrine of the Mystical Body of Christ, on seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and on the performance of apostolic work in union with Mary.

Members place themselves at the service of Mary, and wish to help her in her mission as "Mother of the Church."

Can We Be Saints? when he was just 26 years old. As well he wrote most of the pdf Legion Handbook (4.07 MB)  which is one of the great spiritual classics of the 20th Century.

pdf (3.36 MB)

Causes for Sainthood

Suggested Program for the Visit of Our Lady of Fatima Pilgrim Statue

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- Click here to view the program in Flipping Book Format

- pdf Download the Suggested Program for the Visit of Our Lady of Fatima Pilgrim Statue in PDF format (4.92 MB)